The tale of sandwiches becoming a global favourite

A sandwich is a dish in which slices of meat, jam, cheese, or vegetables are stuffed between two or more slices of bread. It can also have food items placed on a slice of bread.

The snack is said to have been named ‘sandwich’ in 1762, when John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich (an English town). He consumed a helping of roast beef between two slices of bread while playing cards.

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How did milkshakes become the toast of the world?

Milkshakes, also known as shakes, are icy, sweet dairy beverages. You make them by mixing milk with ice cream and flavoured syrups, like chocolate and fruit. They also contain dry ingredients like nuts, cookies, or candy.

The Atlanta Constitution made the term milkshake popular in 1886. At that time, it was an alcoholic whiskey drink made with eggs and cream. It was similar to eggnog, a milk punch to which they added whiskey.

Before electric blenders, people made these drinks by shaking them by hand. That’s why we refer to them as shakes. In America, in the 1920s, malted milk was sold as an icy health drink at drugstores, pharmacies, and soda fountains. Most of them contained milk, malted milk powder, and chocolate syrup.

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What makes pancakes a universally popular dish?

A pancake is a flat cake prepared from a batter and fried in a pan or another hot surface, like a griddle. The batter may contain eggs, milk, flour, and baking powder. When certain regions replace milk with buttermilk, they call it a buttermilk pancake. You can add fruits like apples, strawberries, and bananas to the batter. Or, you can top it with maple syrup, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, or even ice cream. 

Also known as flapjack, crêpe, or hotcake in some places, pancakes have existed for over 5,000 years. People in ancient Greece and Rome had pancakes with honey as a sweetener. Pancakes also exist in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Australia. They come in many types. Pancakes enjoy universal popularity. This is because they are easy to make and can be had in flavours that appeal to different tastes worldwide.

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Warm yourself up with Sizzlers

A sizzler is a meat-based dish that is steaming hot when served. Considered a dish created in Mumbai, India, it is served to customers on hot metal plates placed on a wooden tray. It is said to be derived from teppanyaki, a Japanese dish where meat and vegetables are prepared on a steaming hot griddle. The idea was to create a crunchy exterior, with the interior dish being soft and damp. The Japanese dish was said to have been served at an American food chain named Sizzler Family Steak Housein Culver City, California. This eatery was started by a couple, Del and Helen Johnson. 

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What makes pizza so irresistible?

Pizza is an Italian dish. It is made from flat, round yeast bread. It is often topped with cheese and tomato sauce. Later, it is topped with meat—chicken, ground beef, salami, or ham—olives, onions, pepperoni, spinach, and tomatoes. Different flavors are used for pizzas, depending on the meat. 

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What makes burgers such a popular snack item?

A burger, also known as a hamburger, is a type of sandwich. It is a patty made from meat that has been cooked to a fine texture, usually beef, chicken, or other meats. Fast-food joints insert it between two halves of a sliced bun. As hamburgers became synonymous with beef, fast-food joints now call them chicken burgers, beef burgers, veggie burgers, etc., depending on the main ingredient used. In certain cultures, a hamburger is still called a sandwich.

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Journey into The World of Waffles

Waffles originated in Europe around the 9th to 10th centuries AD, during that continent’s medieval period. It is the name of a dish. They say it came from the Dutch word “wafel,” referring to the honeycomb pattern that cakes were often decorated with at that time. 

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Desserts – a Universal Source of Pleasure

Desserts, usually a sweet dish, is the final course of a meal. It could be a biscuit, cake, ice cream, pie, or any other sweet dish, or a beverage, fruit juice, fruit salad, or liqueur. In certain cultures, there is no concept of having a dessert after a meal. Of course, there may not be any province in the world where sweets are not relished. Not all may like to have them along with a meal.

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Making the World a Cooler Place with Ice creams

Ice cream is a frozen dairy-based dessert that contains milk, cream, and butterfat. Its other ingredients include eggs, nuts, gelatin, cocoa, or vanilla. At times, the mix includes fruits such as strawberries, bananas, mangoes, pineapples, and others. It is one of the most popular sweet dishes in the world.

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